June 28, 2009

Before and After

Before After


I first have to say I am a little of a neat freak and felt that my studio was getting too messy. So I spent the better part of the day cleaning and rearranging a little bit.
The best thing about this (not only having a clean and organized studio) but my 16 year old decided to clean up his room as well!!!

June 24, 2009

I Have Been Awarded!!!

I have received the "One Lovely Blog Award"!! I am so honored. I would like to thank the lovely PaintingChic for this award. She has a lovely shop on here on Etsy.

I am passing this award onto the following blogs that I think are just great!!

June 8, 2009

And The Winner Is......

Well my first give away was a little slow to catch on but that is okay. I had three lovely ladies who posted there comments and I decided to send pendants to all three!! Keep an eye out for your little gift ladies;o)

On another subject, I just signed up for 1000 Markets and my shop was approved (it is a juried store) and now it is live, so if you have a minute go check it out!!